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Overcomer: Empower Recovery from Trauma in Texas & Colorado.

Empower your journey to healing with strength and resilience.

Find hope and renewal


to overcomer

Trauma takes the wheel, leaving you feeling trapped in the passenger seat, yearning for a change. But remember, you don't have to let past anxiety, stress, and worry dictate the journey. Together we can navigate through these emotions and reclaim control and personal power.

Perhaps it feels like:

  • Struggling against a relentless current

  • Burdened by an exhausting weight

  • Numb or deafening static drowning out every interaction

  • Dragging a sack of rocks with each decision

  • Struggling to move forward

  • Feeling like everything is lost in the wake

  • Powerless because it's in control

  • Driving me towards isolation

  • Finding solace only in intoxication

Feeling like traumatic thoughts and emotions are hindering your life? It seems like examples of this interference can be found in every aspect of your life. It affects your work or relationships. For example, you find yourself in the grocery store, struggling to focus amidst the overwhelming static of trauma, which stands between you and your goals. If it hasn't already, it will likely make your goals seem more distant and challenging to achieve. It's akin to navigating against an unyielding current, burdened by weights that drain your spirit and drown out the voices around you. Each decision feels as difficult as lifting heavy rocks, and every step forward seems like an uphill battle. Let's fight the battle together!

We can fight it, together. Your past does not have to be your future. If you feel outnumbered fighting it alone, you're right. Book a session. We can do more together than either of us alone. Your burden is not heavy to me.

Discover Tranquility: We Can Navigating the Waves of Trauma and Emotional Distress Together

good job!

awareness is the first step

Meeting with a trauma therapist can help recognizing the weight of your trauma is the initial stride toward regaining authority over your life and discovering serenity. And by seeking assistance, you've already taken the first crucial step forward.

raise the roof!

see your strength!

Amidst the turmoil, a glimmer of hope shines through. Together, we can confront these challenges head-on. Your past does not dictate your future; it's merely a chapter in your journey. You don't have to face this alone – feeling overwhelmed signals the need for support, and seeking it reflects your strength, not weakness. It's a step beyond just “okay” good job taking it!

wha what!

overcome to overcomer

By scheduling a session, you're choosing to empower yourself. Together, we can untangle the knot of conflicting emotions of your trauma, finding clarity and purpose amidst the chaos. There's strength in uniting, in sharing both the burdens and triumphs of your journey. Amidst the clamor and the pull towards solitude or escape, there is a path towards healing and fulfillment.

You needn't endure this battle solo. Let me be your corner coach! You deserve to be present in your life.

My extensive experience and specialized training offer individuals grappling with trauma a structured, evidence-based approach to tackle these challenges and their interconnected issues. Here's how we can navigate this journey together:

  • Together recognize and challenge self-defeating thoughts that contribute to feelings of being overwhelmed or stuck. By learning to identify these thoughts and replace them individuals can regain a sense of control and agency over their lives.

  • Equipping individuals with practical coping mechanisms to manage stress, anxiety, and other difficult emotions is crucial. This may entail teaching techniques, problem-solving strategies, and assertiveness training, empowering individuals to navigate challenges more effectively.

  • Encouraging individuals to participate in activities that bring them joy and fulfillment, even when they may not initially feel inclined to do so, is essential. By gradually increasing engagement in positive activities, individuals can combat feelings of worthlessness, insignificance, and isolation and find purpose and meaning in their lives.

  • If this is part of the cycle we will work with you are not alone. Helping individuals understand the underlying triggers, motivations for behavior, and identifying healthier coping strategies. Together we can developing relapse prevention skills so we can reduce reliance on substances as a means of escape and find alternative sources of comfort and relaxation. With two specialty licenses I will not shy away from this issue.

  • This is a collaborative process between us, you and I. Working together to identify goals and develop practical strategies for achieving them. This collaborative approach fosters a sense of partnership and support, empowering us to take proactive steps towards healthier change.

In summary, this structured and empowered framework offers practical tools and strategies for individuals to address their challenges, regain control, find peace, and build a brighter future. A burden shared is a burden halved, so let me help you carry yours.

Alternatively or in conjunction we can use EMDR a therapeutic approach particularly effective for individuals dealing with trauma, overwhelming emotions, and maladaptive coping mechanisms.

  • EMDR facilitates the processing of traumatic memories and experiences by engaging the brain's innate healing mechanisms from the safety of our sessions. Through bilateral stimulation, such as eye movements and tapping, EMDR assists individuals in reprocessing traumatic memories, thereby reducing their emotional intensity and impact.

  • EMDR targets negative beliefs and self-perceptions that have emerged as a result of trauma or challenging life experiences. By identifying and reprocessing these negative beliefs that feel like fact, individuals can cultivate more adaptive and empowering perspectives about themselves and their abilities.

  • EMDR helps individuals confront and process difficult emotions and memories they may have been avoiding while in the safety of our sessions together. Through gradual exposure to distressing material in a safe and controlled environment, EMDR aids in desensitizing individuals to triggers and diminishes the need for maladaptive coping mechanisms like substance use or isolation.

  • EMDR incorporates techniques to help individuals develop and reinforce coping skills for managing distressing emotions and situations. There are various approaches within EMDR that result in a sense of safety and empowerment.

  • EMDR promotes integration between fragmented aspects of the self and helps individuals make meaning out of their experiences. By fostering a sense of coherence and continuity, EMDR facilitates the healing process and supports individuals in moving forward with their lives.

Overall, EMDR offers a structured and effective approach for individuals seeking to address their challenges by providing a pathway towards healing, empowerment, and personal growth.

If you’re ready to…

  • Address triggers

  • Explore history

  • Apply grounding in the present

  • Challenge beliefs

  • Engage in self-compassion

  • Facilitate growth

  • Cultivate resilience

  • Have emotions validated

  • Celebrate empowerment

…then let’s get to work.

What if you could see yourself as GETTING BACK IN THE DRIVER’S SEAT?

Together, we can write a different future to conquer fears and reclaim control over life's storms.

  • Trauma can indeed lead to memory loss. When experiencing a traumatic event, especially if it is severe or repeated over time, the brain's response to emotional distress can interfere with the normal process of memories. This can result in fragmented memories, gaps in recollection, or even complete memory loss of certain aspects of the traumatic experience.

    Additionally, there can be dissociation. This is a defense mechanism in which the mind separates from the experience to protect itself from overwhelming emotional distress. It can contribute to memory disturbances as well. It's important to note that memory loss due to trauma is a natural response of the brain to protect itself, and seeking professional trauma therapy from a trauma therapist can be beneficial in processing and healing from these experiences. Then to living as an overcomer.

  • We can address this by facilitating the processing of traumatic events. Physiological responses to trauma, like muscle tension and altered breathing, can persist and lead to secondary emotional distress. These therapists guide individuals toward overcoming trauma, integrating experiences into their sense of self. Additionally, these sensations can be addressed directly.

  • Online therapy for trauma can effectively integrate empathy and positive regard through various approaches. Firstly, therapists can demonstrate empathy by actively listening to your concerns, validating your emotions, and providing genuine support, even in a virtual setting. Whether through video calls or messaging platforms, therapists can convey warmth, understanding, and compassion, which are essential elements in the journey of healing from trauma.

    Furthermore, maintaining positive regard in online therapy involves therapists fostering a non-judgmental and accepting attitude towards you. This includes respecting your experiences and perspectives without criticism or bias. Through effective communication and attentive engagement, we can collaboratively create an atmosphere of unconditional positive regard, which fosters a safe and validating environment for us to explore our thoughts and feelings together.

    In summary, by employing active listening, genuine empathy, and unconditional positive regard, online therapy can effectively provide the support and validation needed to navigate the challenges of trauma recovery, despite the virtual nature of the interaction. Our shared commitment to healing and growth can empower us as we journey towards reclaiming our sense of wellbeing and resilience."

frequently asked questions