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Empowering Lives with Expert addictions Counseling for Lasting Sober Living
in Texas & Colorado.

Unlock a path to lasting sobriety.

find renewed hope and transformation in your recovery.

For the user

for those affected by the use

Does it feel like you went from exercising your freedom to loosing your freedom? Or maybe you are here because someone you care about has and you are looking for services for yourself.

Maybe it's like:

  • running upstream

  • a heavy weight making me tired

  • really loud static interfering in every conversation

  • moving from personal freedom to loosing freedom

  • anything you would feel is lost behind it making you numb

  • it's driving, not me

  • it pushes me to be alone

  • getting drunk or high is my only peace

Recall when we used to enjoy socializing with friends over drinks or experimenting with recreational drugs as a way to feel liberated and carefree. Now, these activities have become shackles, overshadowing relationships, aspirations, goals, and overall well-being. Now trapped in a cycle of shame, guilt, and desperation, unable to break free from the grip of addiction despite earnest desires and the very best of intentions.

Understanding the harrowing reality of the profound impact that addiction has on identity, relationships, and overall quality of life. Support, guidance, and resources needed to reclaim freedom and rebuild a fulfilling life beyond the shackles of shame, guilt, and desperation are offered here.

Empowering you to empower yourself to be an overcomer of addiction.

good job!

awareness is the first step

Recognizing the weight of addiction for yourself or a loved one is the crucial first step towards regaining control and seeking peace. And by reaching out for help, you've already taken that courageous step forward.

raise the roof!

see your strength!

Amidst the many, many turmoils of addiction, there shines a glimmer of hope. Together, we can confront these challenges. Your past does not dictate your future; it's merely a chapter in your journey. You don't have to face this alone – feeling overwhelmed is a signal that you need support. Seeking that support demonstrates strength, not weakness. It's more than just okay; it's commendable.

wha what!

overcome to overcomer

By scheduling a session, you're choosing to empower yourself. Together, we can untangle the complexities of your addiction, discovering clarity and purpose amid the chaos. There's strength in unity, in sharing both your burdens and triumphs. Even amid the clamor, amidst the temptation of isolation or escapism, there exists a path towards healing and fulfillment.

You don't have to battle addiction alone. Let's navigate these currents together, finding peace and resilience amidst the storm.

Drawing upon my extensive expertise and specialized training in addiction recovery, we can grapple with addiction together in a comprehensive, evidence-based approach to overcoming these struggles. Here's how:

  • Guiding individuals to identify and challenge negative thought patterns that fuel addictive behaviors. By recognizing and replacing these destructive thoughts, individuals can reclaim control over their actions and emotions.

  • Equipping individuals with practical strategies to manage stress, anxiety, and cravings. This includes several techniques for our journey together we can pick from and tailor to suit individual needs. This empowers to navigate challenges with resilience.

  • Encouraging engagement in fulfilling activities, even during times of low motivation. By gradually increasing involvement in replacements, you can combat feelings of isolation and rediscover purpose and joy in your life.

  • While exploring the root causes and triggers of addictive behaviors we can develop healthier coping mechanisms and relapse prevention strategies together. With specialized licensure in addiction treatment, I approach substance use issues head-on, guiding individuals toward lasting recovery.

  • Fostering a partnership between therapist and individual to set goals and devise actionable plans for progress. This collaborative approach cultivates a supportive environment where individuals feel empowered to make positive changes.

In essence, we can move through a structured and empowering framework for individuals to confront addiction, offering practical tools and support to regain control, find inner peace, and pave the way for a brighter future. Your burden isn't nearly as heavy to me, so let me help you carry it.

Alternatively or in conjunction we can use EMDR a therapeutic approach particularly effective for individuals dealing with trauma, overwhelming emotions, and maladaptive coping mechanisms.

  • EMDR facilitates the processing of traumatic memories and experiences by engaging the brain's natural healing mechanisms. Through bilateral stimulation, such as eye movements and tapping, EMDR helps individuals reprocess traumatic memories, reducing their emotional intensity and power.

  • EMDR targets negative beliefs and self-perceptions that have developed as a result of trauma or difficult life experiences. By identifying and reprocessing these negative beliefs, individuals can develop more adaptive and empowering perspectives about themselves and their capabilities.

  • EMDR helps individuals confront and process difficult emotions and memories that they may have been avoiding. By gradually exposing individuals to distressing material in a safe and controlled manner. EMDR helps desensitize to triggers and reduces the need for maladaptive coping mechanisms such as substance use or isolation.

  • EMDR incorporates techniques to help individuals develop and strengthen coping skills for managing distressing emotions and situations. There are a variety of ways to accomplish this with EMDR resulting in a sense of safety and empowerment.

  • EMDR promotes integration between fragmented aspects of the self and helps individuals make meaning out of their experiences. By fostering a sense of coherence and continuity, EMDR facilitates the healing process and supports individuals in moving forward with their lives.

Overall, EMDR offers a structured and effective approach for individuals seeking to address the challenges by providing a pathway towards healing, empowerment, and personal growth.

If you’re ready to…

  • Assess ongoing readiness

  • Explore triggers

  • Apply addiction knowledge

  • Develop coping skills

  • Address issues

  • Enhance self-efficacy

  • Promote self-prevention

  • Engage support

  • Celebrate successes

…then let’s get to work.

What if you could see yourself as GETTING BACK IN THE DRIVER’S SEAT?

Together, we can equip you with the tools and strategies to conquer addiction and reclaim control over life's storms.

  • When implemented effectively, drug abuse resistance education has the potential to be profoundly impactful. This is particularly true, yet not limited to, individuals who possess a genetic predisposition toward substance abuse.

    By applying crucial knowledge and skills, individuals are equipped with the tools necessary to make informed and healthy choices. Empowering the mitigating the risk of succumbing to the allure of drugs and alcohol. Furthermore, the benefits extend beyond merely educating individuals; it fosters a supportive environment that empowers participants to resist peer pressure and navigate challenging situations with skilled resilience. With alcohol being one of the most commonly abused substances, integrating alcohol education and skills is essential. By addressing alcohol alongside other drugs, a comprehensive approach to substance abuse prevention, promoting long-term wellness, personal and societal well-being.

    In essence, when approached thoughtfully and comprehensively, there is significant promise in safeguarding individuals. Particularly those vulnerable to substance abuse, against its detrimental effects.

  • In essence, withdrawal symptoms associated with addiction signify the mind and body's endeavor to restore equilibrium once the addictive substance is no longer accessible. In certain instances, abrupt cessation of substance use, known as acute withdrawal, can pose life-threatening risks, particularly with substances like alcohol.

    Following acute withdrawal, there's a period of approximately 180 days characterized by distinct stages of withdrawal, each presenting unique challenges. Subsequently, individuals may experience Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS), which can persist for years after discontinuing substance use. PAWS is commonly manifested as symptoms resembling depression and/or anxiety, often diagnosed as such.

  • Online therapy for addiction can effectively integrate empathy and positive regard in several ways. Initially, therapists can exhibit empathy by actively listening to your struggles, validating your emotions, and offering sincere support, even in a virtual environment. Whether through video calls or messaging platforms, therapists can convey warmth, understanding, and compassion, all crucial aspects of empathy.

    Furthermore, fostering positive regard in online addiction therapy entails therapists cultivating a non-judgmental and accepting attitude towards you. This involves respecting your experiences and perspectives without criticism or bias. Through effective communication and attentive engagement, we can collaboratively establish an atmosphere of unconditional positive regard, which fosters a secure and validating space for us to delve into our thoughts and emotions.

    To sum up, by embracing active listening, genuine empathy, and unconditional positive regard, online therapy can effectively furnish the support and validation necessary for navigating addiction challenges, notwithstanding the virtual nature of the interaction.

frequently asked questions