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Empower anxiety relief in Texas & Colorado.

Discover calm solutions for overwhelming feelings.

Your path to peace begins here.


Discover solutions

Anxiety's driving and you are locked into the back seat wishing or wanting for it to be different. Anxiousness, stress, and worry don't have to win.

Maybe it's like:

  • running upstream

  • a heavy weight making me tired

  • really loud static interfering in every conversation

  • dragging a bag of rocks with every decision just trying to take a step forward

  • the numbness leaves your feelings lost

  • life is just happening to you

  • it pushes me to be alone

  • getting drunk or high is my only peace

Are anxious thoughts and feelings stopping your life? Anxiety messes with all parts of life; work, relationships, and memory to name a few. The static of anxiety is to loud. These worries make your goals harder, farther away. It's like navigating against a relentless current, carrying burdens that exhaust your spirit and drown out the voices around you. Each decision feels like lifting heavy rocks, each step forward an uphill battle.

We can fight it, together. Your past does not have to be your future. If you feel outnumbered fighting it alone, you're right. Book a session. We can do more together than either of us alone.

     Your burden is not heavy to me.     

good job!

awareness is the first step

Acknowledging the weight of your struggles is the first step towards reclaiming control and finding peace. AND you have already done that or you would not be here right now!!

raise the roof!

see your strength!

Amidst this chaos, there's a glimmer of hope. Together, we can confront these challenges head-on. Your past doesn't define your future; it's merely a chapter in your journey. There is no reason to face this alone – feeling overwhelmed is a sign that you need support. Seeking that support is a sign of strength not weakness. And it is better than just okay.

wha what!

overcome to overcomer

By booking a session, you're choosing to empower yourself. Together, we can unravel the knots of your struggles, finding clarity and purpose beyond the static. There's empowerment in unity, in sharing your burdens and victories. And amidst the noise, amidst the pull towards solitude or escapism, there lies a path towards healing and fulfillment.

You don't have to fight this battle solo. Let's navigate the currents together. Let me be your corner coach!

My decades of experience and training offer those facing this challenge a structured and evidence-based approach to addressing these and related challenges. Here's how:

  • Together recognize and challenge self-defeating thoughts that contribute to feelings of being overwhelmed or stuck. By learning to identify these thoughts and replace them individuals can regain a sense of control and agency over their lives.

  • Equips individuals with practical coping skills to manage stress, anxiety, and other difficult emotions. This may include relaxation techniques, problem-solving strategies, and assertiveness training. Together we find a course to empowering you to navigate challenges with confidence.

  • Encouraging you to engage in activities that bring them joy and fulfillment, even when they may not feel like it. By gradually increasing participation in healthy activities, we can counteract feelings of isolation and disconnection, fostering a sense of purpose and meaning in their lives.

  • If this is part of the cycle we will work with you are not alone. Helping individuals understand the underlying triggers, motivations for behavior, and identifying healthier coping strategies. Together we can developing relapse prevention skills so we can reduce reliance on substances as a means of escape and find alternative sources of comfort and relaxation. With two specialty licenses I will not shy away from this issue.

  • This is a collaborative process between us, you and I. Working together to identify goals and develop practical strategies for achieving them. This collaborative approach fosters a sense of partnership and support, empowering us to take proactive steps towards healthier change.

Overall, we will build a structured and empowered framework together for us to address the challenges, providing practical tools and strategies to regain control, find peace, and build a brighter future. A burden shared is a burden halved, so let me help you carry yours.

Alternatively or in conjunction we can use EMDR, a therapeutic approach particularly effective for people dealing with trauma, overwhelming emotions, and unhealthy coping mechanisms.

  • EMDR facilitates the processing of traumatic memories and experiences by engaging the brain's natural healing mechanisms. Through bilateral stimulation, such as eye movements and tapping, EMDR can help you reprocess traumatic memories, reducing their emotional intensity and power.

  • EMDR targets negative beliefs and self-perceptions that have developed as a result of trauma or difficult life experiences. By identifying and reprocessing these negative beliefs together we can develop more adaptive and empowering perspectives about themselves and their capabilities.

  • EMDR helps individuals confront and process difficult emotions and memories that they may have been avoiding. This is done by gradually exposing the distressing material in a safe and controlled manner. EMDR helps desensitize to triggers and reduces the need for maladaptive coping mechanisms such as substance use or isolation.

  • EMDR incorporates techniques to help us develop and strengthen coping skills together for managing distressing emotions and situations. There are a variety of ways to accomplish this with EMDR resulting in a sense of safety and empowerment.

  • EMDR promotes integration between fragmented aspects of the self and helps individuals make meaning out of their experiences. By fostering a sense of coherence and continuity, EMDR facilitates the healing process and supports individuals in moving forward with their lives.

Overall, EMDR offers a structured and effective approach for us to address challenges by providing a pathway towards healing, empowerment, and personal growth.

If you’re ready to…

  • Engage in self-reflection verses fearing it

  • Equip coping strategies verses being overwhelmed

  • Identify barriers verses being impeded by them

  • Replace the thoughts, actions, and behaviors generating misery verses reinforcing them

  • Break old patterns verses ignoring them

  • Grow self-compassion verses self-degradation

  • Promote relaxation verses ongoing stress and worry

  • Achieve goals verses getting beat down by them

  • Accept support verses being lonely

  • Celebrate progress verses dismissing it

…then let’s get to work.

What if you could see yourself as GETTING BACK IN THE DRIVER’S SEAT?

Together, we can equip you with the tools and strategies to conquer fears and reclaim control over life's storms.

  • In a word, yes. According to the National Institutes of Health, your tax dollars at work, anxiety accounts for roughly 15% of emergency department chest pain complaints. Meaning it is still a good idea to get chest pain checked out by a medical professional. More specifically the adrenaline and cortisol released through your body can trigger rapid heart rate and high blood pressure at the same time.

  • There are technical symptoms listed in the DSM. However, more common terms include things like overwhelmed, tired, stressed, or even the the word anxious itself. The word “overwhelm” is a popular one all though descriptions vary. They may include, “a weight I carry” or “like I'm running upstream, against the current of life.”

  • Online therapy for anxiety or anxiousness can effectively incorporate empathy and be a safe harbor through various means. Firstly, therapists can demonstrate empathy by actively listening to your concerns, validating emotions, and providing genuine support, even in a virtual setting. Through video calls or messaging platforms, therapists can convey warmth, understanding, and compassion, essential components of empathy.

    Moreover, maintaining a safe harbor in online therapy involves therapists fostering a non-judgmental and accepting attitude towards for us to work in together. This involves respecting your experiences and perspectives without criticism or bias. Through effective communication and attentive engagement, we can create this very real place together. Doing so creates a safe and validating environment for us to explore thoughts and feelings.

    In summary, by employing active listening, genuine empathy, and unconditional positive regard, online therapy can effectively provide the support and validation we can use to navigate mental health challenges, despite the virtual nature of the interaction.

frequently asked questions